
Business Plan (事業計劃)

Business Plan (事業計劃)

(1)   設定你想開創哪一種事業?(What kind of business?
(2)   你的公司將經營哪一類的產品(What kind of product?)或提供哪些服務項目?(What kind of service?)
(3)   你的目標市場(Target Market)是什麼?
(4)   你的採購策略(Purchasing Strategy)是什麼?
(5)   你有什麼行銷計劃(Marketing Strategy)?
(6)   你有沒有特定的行銷團隊(Any marketing tear?) 或你將如何去推銷你的產品或服務?
(7)   你將如何建立你的行銷團隊?(How do you establish your marketing team?)
(8)   你是否將參加各樣的商展(Trace Shows)以增加你的公司及產品的曝光度(Company Exposure and Product Exposure),或只要靠你的業務員或兩者兼顧?
(9)   你將如何管理你公司的內外業務?(How do you manage your company’s business, both in and out?)
(10)   你將僱用哪一類的員工?(What kind of employees do you intend to hire?)
(11)   你將如何負擔的啟動及運費用?(How do you pay for the starting and operating expenses of the company?)這些資金從哪裡獲取?(Where do you get the capital?)
(12)   你需要多少公司的啟動費用?(How much money do you need to get your company started?)

(13)   公司啟動後,你每月估計有多少的固定開銷?(After you start our company, estimate how much your monthly fixed expenses is.)在你的公司預算表內你也可考慮下列的費用:員工福利(Empolyees Benefits,休假福利(Vacation Pay),病假(Sick leave),事假規定(Other leaves),退休金(Retirement Fund)….

